SDK technical documentation

In order to ensure the realization of APP related functions and the safe and stable operation of applications, we may access the software development kit (SDK) provided by a third party to achieve related purposes.

We will strictly monitor the security of the software tool development kit (SDK) for partners to obtain information to protect data security.

The related third-party SDKs we access are listed in the directory.

Please note that the data processing type of the third-party SDK may change due to its version upgrade, policy adjustment and other reasons. Please refer to the published official instructions.

Third party SDK name Detailed use
Google map SDK

Purpose of usage

Provide display map service for positioning function.


According to the binding of different brands of watches, use the corresponding location display map service to obtain and display the location.

Involving the scope of personal information

Device identification information, geographic location information

Official website link
Umeng SDK

purpose of usage

Apply statistics to optimize applications such as crash analysis.


The statistical data during application use is uploaded to Youmeng.

Involving the scope of personal information

The type of personal information collected: device information (IMEI/Mac/AndroidID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID/SIMcard/MSI/geographic location, etc.)

Official website link
Xiaomi Push SDK

purpose of usage

Provide support for news push.


When the self-built push service of this application is unreachable, Xiaomi mobile phone users will receive push messages through the Xiaomi system push.

Involving the scope of personal information

Device Information

Official website link

purpose of usage

Provide support for news push.


When the self-built push service of this application is unreachable, VIVO mobile phone users will receive push messages through the VIVO system push.

Involving the scope of personal information

Device Information

Official website link

purpose of usage

Provide support for news push.


When the self-built push service of this application is unreachable, OPPO mobile phone users will receive push messages through the OPPO system push.

Involving the scope of personal information

Device Information

Official website link
Huawei Push SDK

purpose of usage

Provide support for news push.。


When the self-built push service of this application is unreachable, Huawei mobile phone users will receive push messages through the Huawei system push.

Involving the scope of personal information

Device Information

Official website link
Aliyun SDK

purpose of usage

Collect feedback information from users within the APP.


Collect/manage user feedback from the App internal and external markets.

Involving the scope of personal information

Device Information

Official website link
Juphoon video call SDK

purpose of usage

Provide video call service for video call function.


During the video call, the video stream is encoded, transmitted, and displayed. The video stream is processed in real time, and the video stream will not be saved after processing.

Involving the scope of personal information

Video data during a video call

Official website link